Cerpen Motivasi Bahasa Inggris

Cerpen motivasi dalam bahasa Inggris berikut ini diharapkan bermanfaat bagi sahabat pembaca, dan dapat mengambil hikmah darinya. Untuk membaca artikel cerpen motivasi ini dalam bahasa Indonesia, silakan baca artikel berikut: cerpen motivasi.

Dani is a teenager who lives in a secluded place with a dynamic society less support for the development of their identity . He underwent the days surrounding stupid people , reluctant respect for others , easily jealous, and does not reflect the individual quality .

For Dani , spending time around the people who are considered as a community that can cause problems make him feel very uncomfortable . In fact , often he thinks wants to get out of the crowd of people and live in a place that is more viable and free from arrogance bunch of fools that in fact they do not know who they are . However , these teens decided to stay the birth place and trying to fend off the negative influences that could potentially destroy his future .

Dani is very different from most teenagers at his village . Dani is the figure of a teenager who has always had a desire to improve , strive to the fullest , focus on what he's doing , and not easy to get carried away with the influence of the environment which is not in line with the principle .

When interacting with a number of people around him feel a nuance often very contrary to the ideologies him , but he realizes that it is a consequence of a society with people who do not have enough knowledge to become a better person .

Dani still be himself , and his goal to realize a better level of life kept him fought without being affected by the negative energy of a group of people who mislead her days coloring . He kept his eyes on his future and continue to try and fight according to the capacity he has.

Time after time went on , and ultimately the Dani managed to achieve most of its goals . Dani managed to build a business idea he started with no capital money due thought and diligence.

Demikian cerpen motivasi dalam bahasa Inggris, semoga berguna bagi Anda yang sedang membutuhkan cerpen motivasi bahasa Inggris. Anda juga dapat membaca cerpen perjuangan seorang remaja yang sebelumnya sudah saya publish.


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